Saturday, December 16, 2006

Weekend Plans

Weekend plans are always something of a struggle for us. First, I have sleep issues, so I'm often catching up on lost sleep over the weekend. This usually means a long Saturday afternoon nap and not a lot of energy. Second, I have to catch up on errands, particularly during the holiday gift-buying season. Too often, we turn into couch potatoes during the weekend. And that's not what I want at all.

Right now, I'm being treated for sleep apnea. I'm hoping that will resolve this problem in the long-term. Since I just started, I spent most of the week trying to learn how to sleep with the CPAP. So, I needed a nap this morning.

If you have sleep problems that interfere with your family weekends, go for a sleep study. You may have a sleep disorder that could be easily treated and give you back your weekends.

We did get up at 7:30 and trek out to support the hubby on his run. Little One was disappointed, though. She thought the race:
A. Indoors
B. Fun for her

Apparently, it was neither, because she was pretty whiny about the experience. I can't say I blame her. Though I did see some families running together, it seems to me to primarily be a solitary sport. In fact, I'd say it can be down-right anti-family, particularly if the family runner does marathons, which can require you to run 10 miles or so a day. That's a lot of time spent away from your family, particularly when you factor in your work time, grooming time, eating and all the things you must do everyday.

Fortunately, my hubby sticks with the 3-5 Ks. But I think until Spring, he'll probably be on his own at the runs. We want to support him, but we also very much want to be warm.

Our plans for the rest of the weekend are pretty dull. We plan to visit some family friends - they have a girl the same age as Little One. We'll all be in the car together for about an hour and a half. One thing we are doing in the car is listening to the Rudolph sound track. My daughter and I now know most of the words and can sing together, which is fun.

But due to my sleep problems, I'll probably doze off. Little One may also grab a nap, leaving my poor hubby alone while we snore away.

Then we'll go to church tomorrow, where Little One will sing. Church seems like a family activity, but in reality, we go separate ways at church. Little One goes to Sunday school and child care. My husband and I do stay together, but it's not like we're interacting.

I do have one family-building activity planned: Tomorrow afternoon, there's a caroling expedition to church members who are home-bound. I think this would be something we can all do together.

After that, we'll probably do some housework and watch our last TV until Friday night.

That's the trick about being a family. So many of the things you do together don't actually encourage you to interact or bond. It's more like you're car-pooling.

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